Friday, February 22, 2008

Ugh Work...i hate work but LOVE money

Ugh i hate going to work. i don't do anything there but sit around all day and make my co workers do all the but really my job isnt that bad if we didnt have lazy people in this world (too damn lazy to pick up a shoe) and my Manager UGH i cant stand that ol' peanut eatin elephant ass man, he works my nerves. He's always tellin me what i don't do but what i do do he doesn't say thank you or nice job or anything. My mexican(messy co-workers) DON'T GET ME WRONG I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST MEXICANS but the ones that work with me are so BITCHES. They always talkin shit and lazy as fuck. The only time i actually enjoy going to work is when im working with Whitney, Marques, Tasha, or Danny b/c they keep me

but yea working sux but it pays my bills


Anonymous said...

nigga at least u got a job!!!

BelleDame said...

lol yea i know but it sux