Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My letter to you

Dear ,

I've went through so much shit growing up and being able to trust guys PERIOD. Shit happened in my life that only one of my bestfriends know about (1 out of 8 of my bestfriends). But I don't blame you for anything...we live and we learn and I just want to learn where I went wrong!I know that you are going through a lot right now. I understand your young and everyone has these imoments in life. I Do understand how it is to be hurt. I understand how it is to feel not wanted. I know how it feels to lose a bestfriend. I know it is to be angry, upset, mad, and pissed off to the point where you just don't give a FUCK. I KNOW and UNDERSTAND! But you saying fuck everything and everyone is not worth it. Honestly yea your mom may have kicked you out, but yet she is still there to support you. Yes you and your dad don't get along to well and yall fight everyday, but at least he was man enough to take you in. My dad has has never been there for me! He hurt me as a child mentally and physically! I haven't heard from him in years. He has NEVER done anything to help me nor my brother or sister. At one point of my life I was homeless for about 2 months moving from house to house. I will HATE my father for NEVER being there, doing what he did to me, and not being a father! Your parents tell you things so you won't make the same mistakes they made, and yes you might not make them but they are not just telling you to get on your nerves they are telling you so you can be a BETTER person than what they are, that's their job as parents to protect you and do what's best for you. And yet you may not understand this now but later will understand. I mean look on the brighter side at least you have both parents in your life when I only have my mom to be the mother and the father.

The Confessions of ME



Erica-Lindsay said...

aww...i'm feeling that!

i'm guessing your talking to a guy in this letter! Oh man, i've had this same talk many times! and it's sad that it takes guys a long time to grow up and understand things...

BelleDame said...

yes you are totally right!

sometimes i think guys dnt really understand when we tell them something its like they hear it but dont actually listen to it (if that makes sense)

Anonymous said...

omg everything you have said in this letter is true. and honestly it makes me proud that your experiences have just made u into the strong young woman that you are today. & i agree guys will hear what u say but don't listen and they don't understand how important listening is.

BelleDame said...

awww thanx jojo i love you mama's

buy yea boys will always be boys

life has its ups and down and we have to learn to deal with it and look past it and not let it affect our future you know?

Anonymous said...

man I love you Dorito!

fuck niggas get money!

no that was so lame, but seriously I love u and its going to be okay.

boys come and go...let him go, he is not worth it...

im sorry but thats just how i feel!

all things u experience in life just make u stronger in the end...

so when u decide to have kids they will have a lovin father....it is okay!!

BelleDame said...

thanx kiy i love you too

i dont think i would be the person i am today without my friends

Anonymous said...

[Tearing up ]
Guys really suck
But like I told you he choosed to leave you. He lost you && he will soon find out what he lost.
I know you trying to help him but its better of for him to find out what it is
He's a lil boy let him go thru the struggle && see that everyone warned him but that's what he choosed

I went thru the same shit with jailbird && he still hasent change && probably won't. Just like u told me to let him go, deresha you need to let him go. [ crying ] fuck guys like that

Oohhh && I love youu

BelleDame said...


Ester boo I love you too mucho!

Your the best

But your right I'm letting go!

Anonymous said...

yes let him gooo
[tearing up again]

fuck guys lol